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trinityIOT – IoT & AI Platform

trinityIOT – IoT & AI platform enables to build a city-level digital platform that can integrate data from various connected systems – vehicles, sensors from buildings & other urban infrastructure, processes the data and displays the data in a manner that can be easily consumed by various applications. The platform enables integration of data from sensor and application systems, process the data for complex events to generate alerts and stores the data for further consumption by northbound applications. The built-in BI and AI Engine enables advanced data analytics.

IoT Ops user interface screen
Platform, Sub-Systems, and Enabling Systems

trinityICCC – Integrated Command & Control Center System

trinityICCC – Integrated Command and Control Center, is Trinity’s flagship product that provides the city operator a 360° operational awareness of all city operations across various domains such as environment monitoring, solid waste management, transportation, traffic management, city surveillance for safety and more. It also provides situational awareness in case of major events and disasters such as floods, cyclones etc. The three screen interface of Events, Map visualization and Camera monitoring provides a common operating picture of various events, for the operator to take appropriate action.

Integrated command and control center user interface screen
Integrated Command & Control Center System Interface

trinityICCC – Digital Twin

The Digital twin application works in unison with Integrated command and control centre to provide an immersive 3D visualization of the events and alerts at a city and building level. This enables the city operator to assess and better respond to the event by using the digital twin as a new source of truth to validate the response action.

The Digital Twin uses Unreal engine to provide advanced rendering and processing of the visual information into actionable insights. The Digital twin application can be used in multiple use cases.

1. City/Community Digital twin – Enables operators to monitor and manage city level operations. A city digital twin, which is a virtual replica of a real-world city, can revolutionize city management by providing a comprehensive and dynamic platform to address city level challenges.

2. Building Digital twin – Enables the operator to monitor, manage and respond to multi-level building level assets and alerts. The building digital twin provides the operator a 3D virtual representation of a real building with real-time data.

Immersive Command and Control Center

An Immersive command centre uses Digital twin to enable the city authorities to visualize, act and respond to city level incidents using 3-dimensional spatial data. The users can visualize and closely monitor the alerts generated at deeper levels which was limited due to 2-dimensional visualizations.

Furthermore, this ‘virtual copy’ presents a 3D simulation of the city, and its alerts provide authorities with enhanced decision making, automated core processes thus ensuring quicker response time on actions. Exerting a 3D spatial context with lifelike 3D navigation gives the users an impression of being on-site. Digital twin application enables a city-wide management of all alerts using 3D GIS and 3D Building data.

Integrated command and control center user interface screen
Digital Twin

trinityANALYST – Data Analytics & AI Applications

trinityANALYST includes bundled AI and BI applications that drive efficiencies and deliver better outcomes and build intelligent cities. Out-of-the-box AI applications such as Optimize garbage collection, Dynamic pricing for parking, Predictive policing, Social Analytics and Chatbot integrated with Citizen App and Portal can be easily deployed. BI Dashboards enables the decision maker to get complete visibility of the events, assets, and support impact analysis.

predictive policing user interface screen
Data Analytics & AI Applications Interface

trinityENGAGE – Citizen Engagement System

trinityENGAGE is a common platform for bringing together the citizens and public authorities of the city. The Citizen Engagement Platform integrates and connects with various channels – mobile application, chatbot, contact centre, social media, and web portal. It enables city authorities to provide various civic services digitally and manage grievances. It also allows all grievances to be efficiently handled by a Case Management Operator

citizen engagement system user interface
Citizen Engagement Systems Interface

trinityMOBILE – Mobile Workforce Management System

trinityMOBILE - Mobile Workforce Management System is a centralized system that allows to track important details about the workforce and events in real-time. This improves service and gives greater visibility into workforce actions, assets, and resolution time. The platform is pre-integrated with Mobility Backend As A Service (MBAAS) which enables mobile device communication between the city authorities, workforce, and the citizen through mobile apps using smart phones or purpose-built hardware. It can also support multimedia capabilities.

mobile user interface screen
Mobile Workforce Management System

trinityDATA – Open Data Portal

trinityDATA - Open Data Portal enables the city to share data with citizens in a secure manner to drive community led innovation. Real Time API Data Service provides ability for third party applications to consume the data in a secured way to build various value added services for the community.

open data portal user interface screen
Open Data Portal Interface


trinityIOTOPS - IoT Provisioning & Administration Tool

IoT OPS - - Single window solution for enabling end to end IoT Platform Administration which includes Asset Management, Rule Configuration, Workflow Management.

IOT OPS Interface
IOT OPS Interface
trinityANALYTIKA - ML Composer Tool

ML Composer - ML Composer provides an environment to build Machine Learning Models and deploy them faster & is fully integrated with the Platform and leverages the ML environment of the Platform.

ML Composer User Interface Screen
ML Composer Interface
trinityDASHBOARD - Configurable Dashboard Tool

Configurable Dashboard - It comes with a library of pre-configured widgets and templates based on the historic and real-time data generated by urban systems.

Configurable Dashboard User Interface Screen
Configurable Dashboard Interface
trinityREPORTS - Reporting Tool

Reports - The tool allows users to present information with a structured and easy-to-read layout, which can be traditional (tabular and charting) or more creative in the form of infographics.

Reports User Interface Screen
Reporting Tool Interface
trinityIOTAEP - Application Enablement Platform

IOTAEP is a low code tool that helps developers build dashboards and admin panels very quickly. It's a platform that helps businesses build any custom internal application within hours.

IOTAEP User Interface Screen
IOT Application Enablement Platform Interface
trinityMONITOR - Logging and Monitoring Tool

trinityMONITOR - The tool supports centralized logging and monitoring of Platform and Application services for Audit and performance monitoring.

Monitor User Interface Screen
Logging and Monitoring Tool

Smart Applications

trinityRESPOND - Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) System

trinityRESPOND enables end-to-end Emergency Management operations for multi agencies such as Police, Fire and Emergency Medical Services. The integrated application provides an in-built advanced GIS functionality for location intelligence based work flows. Other sub-systems like contact center for unified communication, wireless systems are seamlessly integrated to provide a rich set of functionalities. Various user personas such as Call Taker, Dispatcher, Supervisor and Feedback Operators are supported through the CAD application. First responders are equipped with Mobile app for instant co-ordination and quick response to incidents.

Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) user interface screen
Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Interface
trinityITS - Intelligent Transport Management System

trinityITS - an Intelligent Transport Management System that helps transport authorities to combine & effortlessly manage several activities such as scheduling, bus planning, fleet management, workforce management, citizen grievnace redressal, etc.

Intelligent transport management user interface screen
Intelligent Transport Management System Interface
trinitySWM - Solid Waste Management System

trinitySWM - a Solid Waste Management application that helps waste management authorities in effectively & effortlessly planning of collection truck routes, scheduling, fleet management, workforce management, citizen grievance redressal, etc.

solid waste management user interface screen
Solid Waste Management Interface
trinityPARKING - Parking Management System

trinityPARKING - a state-of-the-art Parking Management System that leverages city digital platform to efficiently manage parking spaces across the city by reducing time & fuel consumption; it also empowers authorities to remotely monitor parking violations.

Parking management system user interface screen
Parking Management System User Interface
trinityENERGY - Energy Management System

trinityENERGY - a Smart Energy Management solution that helps city's authorities to remotely manage, monitor, & control several lighting infrastructures along with insights on its performance

energy management system user interface screen
Energy Management System User Interface